Spending time in Nature is something I recommend a lot to my clients. It helps bring equilibrium when our minds and bodies are out of balance from too much noise and stress. We are so blessed to have the healing power of Nature at our feet. Did you know that forest air boosts immunity by increasing white blood cells in the body. This medicinal form of nature is called eco therapy.

Being in nature helps to improve our well-being greatly. We all feel so much better when spring comes and we get to spend time outdoors in the sunshine.

Here are the many benefits of being held by Mother Earth.

1. Finding  Solace

Whatever you are dealing with, a Nature Walk will help you regain perspective and help calm the nervous system. Just 10 minutes in a natural environment will provide significant upliftment.

2. Feeling Free

A wide expansive place in nature helps us reconnect to the power from which we come and helps expand our sense of ourselves and our lives. We feel a sense of freedom and abundance  that can only be felt when we have space to be.

3. Sunlight Vitamin

Sunlight helps the body make vitamin D which is technically not a vitamin but an important hormone for the body. It is important for strong bones, teeth and muscles, brain health as well as the immune system.

4. Feel-good Hormone

The brain produces more serotonin when the sun shines. Serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness. It decreases anxiety and depression. It is Nature’s own anti-depressant and it is free.  This hormone impacts our entire body. It enables brain cells and other nervous system cells to communicate with each other.

5. Growing a Garden 

Gardens are a source of so much joy. Last spring when the first stay at home order for the pandemic went into effect, I decided to grow a garden. It was the best decision I made.  The oasis I created bought me so much joy. It was a place of tranquillity in a world that was changing fast. Gardens provide exercise, fresh air, fresh food and a place of beauty and calm.

6. Practicing Mindfulness

The ancient Japanese art of Shirin-yoku means ‘forest bathing’ and is the practice of relaxing among trees. It is walking slowly through the forest and seeing, feeling, smelling and hearing the peaceful surroundings without any devices. This reduces stress, boosts the immune system, frees up creativity and accelerates recovery from illness.

7. Tree Medicine

TreesThe essential oils from trees can raise our vibe, uplift, relax and bring an earthy vibe home when we are not able to spend time outdoors. Below are some tree oils to enhance your mind, body, spirit and home. They can be used in a diffuser, bath, massage and skin and hair care.

  • Pine
  • Cypress
  • Juniper
  • Grand Fir
  • Sandalwood
  • Palo Santo
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • Cedarwood
  • Hinoki
  • Hong Kuai

8. Bringing Nature Home

You can bring the healing power of Nature home by keeping plants. They purify the air, increase feel-good hormones and bring beauty to the environment. Below are some of the best air-purifying plants:

  • Pothos
  • Peace Lily
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Rubber Plants
  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Dwarf Date Palm
  • Boston Fern

9. Grounding 

One of my favourite recommendations is to walk barefoot on the earth and being in touch with the natural elements whether that is sand, soil, grass or water. Grounding helps to support our well-being so greatly. Our modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the earth and our bodies, minds and spirits can feel the consequence. Grounding helps to put us back in touch with ourselves and with Nature.

  • Decreases stress hormones
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Decreases pain
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Decreases depression
  • Increases feel-good hormones
  • Improves sleep quality


When you are not able to go outdoors, doing a bath or foot-bath with essential oils  as mentioned in Tip 5 will give Nature vibes home.

Which of these tips is your own personal favourite? Which new one would you like to try out? Let me know in the comments.