I usually spend the last 2 weeks of the year creating space and setting my priorities for the New Year. This year I have had the urge to start this process earlier. 2016 is feeling powerful.

If you are looking at starting off in an extraordinary way I have one spot left for a Love Inspired VIP Intensive in exciting Dubai on January 2 to receive the coaching and mentoring you deserve. Let us create a strong foundation for an amazing year ahead.

In the meantime check out my Interview with Carol Soares on Conscious Content Creator for tips from myself and 24 other entrepreneurs on how to consciously create content that seeks to change the world.


You are a leader who is devoted to your mission to make a difference in your own life, your family’s and the people you are here to serve. It requires a lot of effort, time, money and energy from you and at times you can get overwhelmed by the demands on you.

Add to this the parties and celebrations you have to attend during this time and you are setting yourself up for exhaustion and burnout.

The following tips will fill up your well being tank.

1. High Vibe your Nutrition

Add more fresh food into your daily routine. Start your day with a green juice or green smoothie to supply the nutrients that support your well being.

Snacks like carrots and hummus can relax your body and soothe your adrenals. Edamame beans can boost feel-good dopamines.

2. Slow down

The energy of rushing, hurrying and getting things done fast does not do a woman’s body good. Whenever you feel out of sorts, slow down.. Taking time to renew yourself enables you to be more efficient in what you want to accomplish.

Incorporate meditation, resting, reading, praying, painting and/or mindful eating to harmonise your mind, body and soul.

3. Rest your Mind and Body

Good sleep is essential to your mental well being., memory and focus. It allows you to make empowered and inspired decisions and radiate calmness and vitality.

Have a bedtime ritual to help you move from day to night. Write down a list of your favourite self–care rituals and set aside time dedicated to getting connected to yourself. Making space for quietness helps you discover your true self.

Which Feel-Good Tip are you planning to give more attention?