When I was little I learned that there was only one calling for a woman. It was to marry and have children and that was what my life’s purpose was. It was the culture I grew up in. When I had my first child I felt great joy about being a mother but I knew that my life was meant for more. I heeded that calling. In one of the last conversations with my Dad (He is in heaven now.) he told me how much he had wanted me to be a doctor but could not tell me that.
He went on to tell me that to him I was a doctor now because I was working in the Healing Arts and helping people heal. I answered my calling and ended up living his dream for me.
Now I am living the next level of my calling by helping women create lives and businesses that feed their souls. What are you called to for a time such as now?
Join us for FREE on the Fabulous Me World Series where I talk to Feminine Leaders around the world who listened to their calling and their experiences along the way. We talk about Feminine Leadership, Wealth-Consciousness, Online Business, Branding, Marketing, Time Management and much more.
Sign up now to receive access starting tomorrow, October 6.
- clearer message that speaks my truth
- deeper message
- putting together all the pieces for my packages
- a more impactful service