Summertime Pleasures


Aaah! I love Summer! I love the hot days and the warm nights and everything that goes with it. As Feminine Leaders our businesses can become magnificent obsessions. Yet nurturing our Feminine Essence has to be a part of our lives so that our work is a reflection of the beauty of our wholeness. Summer is a wonderful invitation to soak in and revel in the joy, fun and pleasure of this sizzling season. All of this puts you in the vortex and supports your Abundance while you are living the Good Life!

Here are 5 tips to turn up the volume on Summer 2012:
1.     Wake up earlier – If you have not yet created the space for your Personal Leadership Hour in the morning then now is the ideal time to do it. The early daylight makes it easier to wake up earlier. There is a beauty and specialness in Summer mornings that will make it so worth it.

2.     Make it one long holiday – Summer is synonymous with vacations.  If travelling is not on your list you can still infuse your Summer with a Summer holiday vibe. Become a tourist in your own town or city and do all the things that give you a feeling of being on a holiday. Eat al fresco, read that juicy novel, wear beautiful summer fashion, have lunch on a patio and watch the world go by in leisure, watch the sunset, sit under the stars, take it easy, hug and kiss more and fall even more in love with your life!

3.     Summer playlist – There is something about Summer that makes you want to get into the groove. Check out the Best Summer Dance Songs collection for inspiration. What is your Summer 2012 song?

4.     Do something different – Try out something you have not done before and are really excited about doing. I’ll update you on some of the things I am trying out, one of which is Bollywood dancing classes.

5.     Spend time outdoors – It is the perfect time for outdoor living. Whether it is your backyard or garden, outdoor cafés, the park, nature trails, outdoor picnics, the streets of your city or the beachside there is plenty of opportunity to enjoy a lot of splendor in the sun. I love it hot but if the heat makes you crazy like it does to most of the people I know, don’t let it stop you. Seek out the shade and try a drop of peppermint essential oil in a glass of water for its cooling effect or put a few drops in a glass spray bottle of water and spray it on you. It feels really wonderful. J. I use the world-class essential oils by Young Living.
Feel the Summer Love and enjoy every moment of the pleasures it provides!
Affirmation: I savor the Pleasures of Summer 2012 and invite even more Abundance into my life!