Live your Magnificence in 2012

We are at the end of another year of our one precious life and approaching the beginning of another. As one cycle ends another one begins. It is always so exciting to be given a new canvas to create on and I am so looking forward to all the synchronicities  that 2012 will bring.

For myself I am immensely grateful for the growth and expansion I have experienced in my life and business this year. The joy of living my Magnificence and helping my clients live their Magnificence is indescribable. I am deeply grateful to my clients for giving me the honor to help them transform their lives. A huge thank you to my family for being my soul's sanctuary. I so appreciated the celebration I had this week with all of them and our special guests in a circle of love.  I love this expression I heard from my son Adil, who is training to become an actor: When you find your passion you become contagious and powerful. Here’s to you finding and living your passion and coming fully alive as you make your world changing impact.

Take time to get clear on your heart’s desires. They are meant to help you become more of who you are as you walk the journey of expanding your soul.  Do the healing work that is needed to bring your desires to life. You don’t get what you want, you get who you are. Ask yourself who you need to BE to live your desire and be the change you want to see.  When you do your own healing you also heal the ones who have walked before you and the ones who will walk this planet after you.

We have eagerly anticipated 2012 as the year where we collectively attain a higher consciousness and birth a New World. Make 2012 an year unlike any other you have lived before. Raise the bar on what is possible for you by giving yourself the permission to say YES to you and your Magnificence.

Wishing you a magical 2012 as we Heal the World together and make it a better place for me, for you and the entire human race. Remember to have a lot of FUN along the way. It is an incredible time to be alive!

Love & Sparkles
