I love these drinks any day of the year but their colors are so beautiful for a Valentine’s treat. They are so easy  to make, which is always a bonus when it comes to healthy and delicious nutrition. Below are 2 recipes containing strawberries, the quintessential valentine’s day fruit.  Strawberry Lemonade will have a red tone and Strawberry Pitaya Coconut a  bright and lovely pink tone. They look gorgeous together!

All the ingredients I used are organic.

Strawberry Lemonade

1 300 ml glass of water

1/2 cup of strawberries. I used frozen wild strawberries

1 tbsp of raw honey – adjust to taste

Ningxia red, frozen into heart shaped ice cubes

Blend the first 4 ingredients together. Pour into a tall glass. Add the Ningxia Red ice cubes. These give the drink a delicious tangy taste and depth. You can omit them if you don’t have this nutrient dense juice or use another red juice of choice.

Strawberry Pitaya Coconut 

1 300 ml glass of water

1/2 cup of strawberries – I used the same frozen wild  strawberries

1 tsp organic coconut cream

1 tbsp of raw honey – adjust to taste

1/2 tsp frozen pitaya

Dried organic rose buds – to make rose bud ice cubes

Blend the first 5 ingredients together and pour into a glass. Add the rose bud ice cubes. They contribute a lovely delicate rose taste to the drink.

Enjoy! Let me know if you make these drinks! 🙂