by Fatma Zaidi | Dec 27, 2015 | Abundance, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Leadership, Live Your Magnificence, Well-Being
Taking time to reflect on the past year is a powerful process that brings appreciation and completion to the year. It allows us to explore the gifts and insights that we received in 2015. Journaling on the following questions is a fulfilling and meaningful activity...
by Fatma Zaidi | Nov 19, 2015 | Abundance, Inspiration, Live Your Magnificence, Wealth Consciousness, Well-Being
Ah money! It is such a charged subject and people exhibit so much fear and stress around it. That is why for a long time I have been so drawn to helping people heal their story around it. I grew up in very poor surroundings but I had parents who consistently directed...
by Fatma Zaidi | Jul 23, 2015 | Well-Being
Lisa Berry, my partner for the Empower your Feminine Leadership VIP Experience I hosted in Toronto earlier this year pointed out how much she loved this picture and the message I posted on FB with it. These are my feet on the first class deck of the Alpine Scenery...