by Fatma Zaidi | May 20, 2016 | Abundance, Inspiration, Live Your Magnificence
One of the most important things I do in my work is to help clients shift their vibration. Everything is energy and it will determine what you are creating and experiencing. The paradox is that just when you are set for growth and expansion you will feel highly...
by Fatma Zaidi | Apr 11, 2016 | Abundance, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Live Your Magnificence, Wealth Consciousness
Our wallets are a symbol of wealth and an easy place to start feeling more abundant. These habits will quickly get you into a Feel-Good space. 1. Choose your Wallet Get a wallet that makes you feel awesome when you see and hold it. 2. Create Space Declutter regularly....
by Fatma Zaidi | Dec 27, 2015 | Abundance, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Leadership, Live Your Magnificence, Well-Being
Taking time to reflect on the past year is a powerful process that brings appreciation and completion to the year. It allows us to explore the gifts and insights that we received in 2015. Journaling on the following questions is a fulfilling and meaningful activity...