Back from a trip to Los Angeles for a business training with international women entrepreneurs.

What a feeling to wake up in the morning to a beautiful view of the Marina from my room on one side at the Ritz Carlton in Marina del Rey and an expansive view of Los Angeles on the other side.

The Marina is the world’s largest man made harbor for small boats and contains 7000 of them.

I am an observer and get a lot of insights from watching the world around me. Putting myself in a high vibration environment of brilliant women allowed me to put my finger on the pulse of today’s world changing woman and I am sharing some of what supports us to live the life we love.  


View from my room.

Normal is not your destiny 
You know that you are here for more. You were born to express what you have come to live for. You try to fit into someone’s idea of your success and it isn’t feeling good. Your pain is a sign of you not living in your truth. Keep believing in that voice that is guiding you towards your greatness. Your destiny is awaiting you and it is anything but normal. It also requires great courage. Being you is the adventure of a lifetime.
Someday is here 
It really is. You only have today and all you have to do is to live it well. It is when you make the most of your present moment and present place regardless of your circumstances and environment that you will create the transformation you desire.      
Pay the price 
There is a price for everything in Life. You get to choose what price you want to pay. It will determine where and how you spend your time, money, energy and effort and who you surround yourself with. What price are you paying?
Answer the calling 
You are feeling it. You get the messages. You see the signs. You hear the voice. You turn away and distract yourself and keep yourself busy. The feeling doesn’t stop. What will it take to say yes to your Calling?
Allow yourself to receive 
Life wants to show you its richness and share with you. It is natural for you to desire more for you because the Universe expresses and expands itself through you. Release what you need to and make space for what you want to flow in. Maintain a sense of Gratitude for all that life has to offer.