
2014 is going to be a special year for everyone!

It started off with the rare occurrence of a Super Moon and will continue to delight us with a paradigm shift that will have all of us raising our consciousness to experience new ways of being.

Today’s article is to support you in planting the Seeds of Love that expand your soul and bring your Magnificence to the world.

You are the wealth of the Universe and your Beingness is vital to its evolution. Your Seeds of Love contribute to the Global Heart.  In a seed lies the potential to shape this Universe.

You have the power to become a deliberate creator of your own life and consequently actively shape our world. As you plant your Seeds of Love remember that you can’t force a flower to bloom before its time.

Dream big and beautiful. Nurture and care for your Seeds. Have faith and trust they will yield an abundant and extraordinary bounty.

Here is what you will need…

Create Sacred Space –
Create the Space you will need for your dreams to flourish.  Bringing in the new requires you to release so you can receive.

Theme –
Choose a word that represents what you would like 2014 to represent for you.  You will be amazed at what having a theme will open you up to. Take the time to listen to your heart to uncover what you need.

Desires –
Your heart’s desires help you become more of who you are as you walk the journey of expanding your soul.  Listen to the whispers of the Universe and pay attention to them. Follow your inner guidance.  Ask yourself who you need to BE to live your desire and be the change you want to see.

Your No List –
To say YES to your magnificence and your dreams you will have to say NO to what does not serve you anymore.  Create a list of what you will say NO to in 2014 so that you can say YES to what will transform your life.

Support –
You can’t do it all alone.  Put in the support you and your dream will need.  The bigger your dream the more support you will need.

Self-care –
To lead others you have to lead yourself first.  What Self-care can you put into place to fuel you so you can show up powerfully as a World Changing Feminine Leader?

Vision Board –
Fun Time!  A Vision or Dream Board is a visual reminder of your dreams.  Once you have done all the work above you can now get creative and play full out. Cut out words and pictures from magazines that represent your dreams and glue them on a board.  Add to it whatever makes your heart sing.  Express Gratitude for all that has emerged through you.  Place it where it will continue empowering and inspiring you to stay focused on what you want.

Soul-inspired action –
Taking action is absolutely necessary to bring your dreams alive.  Yet the Vibration of your dreams precedes your action.  Become aware of your Energy and Passion.  Honor your own needs and what replenishes your soul.  Let your soul connection help you maintain a balance of action and inaction.

Lead with Love and make 2014 awesome!

Affirmation… The glory of the Universe is flowing through me!