International Women’s Lifestyle Conference

In collaboration with Sudeshna Mukherjee

As a woman, you balance and fulfill many roles and easily lose sight of yourself.

You can feel your calling and leadership but are unclear or anxious on which direction to take. Yet you are so ready for your next level of fabulousness!

Fabulous Me was designed to help you find clarity on what makes you feel aligned and powerful. It helps you connect with your own desires, priorities and values so you can create the life and business you want.

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don’t you?
– Rumi.

As natural born Leaders women have a lot of impact and influence on their families, communities and the world. Feminine Leadership brings heart, soul, joy, love, wisdom and beauty to its purpose. It evokes freedom, unity and possibilities and celebrates everyone.

Fabulous Me is an interactive Event. Fatma will be taking you through processes to support you in getting clarity on what puts you in your Feel-Good zone. You will receive a workbook created to use during the Event to note down your insights.  The workbook also contains tips and lists to support your ongoing journey of fabulousness.

In addition, you will learn:

➳ Using the Law of Attraction and becoming a Deliberate Creator for a life you love

➳ Superfoods that make you feel vibrant, confident and fabulous

➳ The Power of Essential Oils and their multi-dimensional effect on Mind, Body and Soul

➳ Setting intentions that can change your life

➳ Why understanding Wealth-Consciousness is a very important concept for your transformation

➳ Affirmations that make you feel happy

➳ The effect of your environment on your vibration


Bella Abzug predicted: In the 21st-century women will change the nature of power instead of power changing the nature of women. Nineteenth–century poet Matthew Arnold believed women can change the world. “If ever the world sees a time when women shall come together purely and simply for the benefit and good of mankind, it will be a power such as the world has never known.”

Your Investment also includes:


➳ Welcome Tea, Coffee & Pastries on arrival and during the break

➳ 5-Star Lunch

➳ The Fabulous Me Workbook

➳ Super High Vibe Environment

➳ Amazing connections with International Sisters

Who could you be meeting at Fabulous Me London who could further your dream?

A Little About Me

Fatma Zaidi

Fatma is a Feminine Leadership Coach, Speaker, Author & Mom. She has a deep passion for empowering and inspiring entrepreneurial women with a mission to heal their hearts and lead a life and business of purpose, meaning, joy, and abundance. She teaches the dynamics of masculine-feminine energies in wealth-consciousness and leadership. Her work is love-centred and allows women to start understanding their intrinsic value and the healing impact it has on themselves, their families and their communities.

Fatma has trained and studied in the fields of wellness, personal growth and business in Switzerland, UK, US, France and Australia. She has led Global Healing Circles in Los Angeles, Paris, Miami and Sydney. Her VIP Intensives and Experiences have taken place in stunning and luxurious locations in Toronto, Paris, Vevey, Montreux, Zurich, Marrakesh, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Her VIP Intensives & Experiences, Coaching and Workshops are as much transformational as they are fun. Sark called her a Joyful Wisdom-Bringer.


Thank you for yet another brilliant workshop. You did it again. When Fatma says “Leadership is about living your passion” you can see in her eyes that is exactly what she is doing. She wants each of the participants at her workshops to live their passion”, because that’s the credo she lives by. She firmly walks her talk and teachers her clients how to do the same. If you are looking for someone who stands 100% behind what they teach then Fatma is your teacher… they say, “When the student is ready the teacher appears”

Allison Allen


I must thank you very much for another fabulous event yesterday. “Create Space for Transformation” flowed so easily that I did not realize we were at the end and everyone wanted MORE. Fatma, your excellent questioning techniques helped us to identify with absolute clarity exactly where we are now even though everyone of us in the room was at a different place. You are a master at guiding each of us, step by step to where we want to be. In addition, we all felt as if we were receiving individual attention, answers to our questions and the reassurance that we can get to where we want to be. Your follow up tips for nurturing ourselves and creating space for our heart’s desires in all areas of our lives were excellent.

Barbara Keshwar

Energy Healer

Early Bird Special till March 21st!


We have chosen one of London’s most luxurious location for your pleasure and learning. Come and join us to learn ancient and new rituals to empower and inspire you as you create a Fabulous You!

*You will receive a Fabulous Me rate as an attendee if you are staying at the Ritz during the conference.

After March 21st, prices will go up to GBP 250 ($350 USD)

*Investment: GBP 175 ($249 USD)